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"Avenge me!"

Started by Bico, 02 April, 2005, 04:05:50 AM

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At a guess (obviously I don't know  the exact ins and outs of your situation but I doubt childish pranks would be helpful), you'd be better off spending the next three weeks cataloguing this person's list of incopmetencies, rudeness, bullying and general pig headed ness (in a polite a manner as possible but noting all insults he uses verbatim).  If possible, note down witnesses to said offences.

Then pass a copy of this document on to him and his boss and his bosses boss, politely noting that you are glad to be leaving because of the terrible working conditions.  

Distribute this amongst your co-workers and ask them to keep similar logs - the collective evidence should soon be enough to get things turned around.  If you have access to a Union, get them to help. If no Union, then perhaps there is a council/local government office that deals with workplace greivances such as yours.

At a last resort, you could even write to your local papers to publicise and hopefully put a stp to such bad practices.

You will have your "revenge" and hopefully made something positive out of a bad experience.

Oh and paint is really hard to get off windows and shiny cars.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!