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Warcraft (2016)

Started by Goaty, 03 November, 2015, 07:21:51 PM

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Quote from: CrazyFoxMachine on 07 November, 2015, 12:50:02 PM
I was thinking on watching the trailer that "this seems like a film that MAY do badly but with Jones at the helm it might gain a culty charm that people might appreciate and it'll be seen as a bit of a misunderstood blockbuster at the worst" but then that female ork showed up. The female ork that's been made to look as-close-to-human-as-possible-for-romantic-reasons and I instantly saw it going in CEX for £1.50 a fortnight after the DVD comes out.

Swing and a miss!

I think she's a Half-Orc, and strange that she look more green (Like those Slaves girls from Orion in Star-Trek!)....

.....than some of the ones that are obviously have undeniable Orcish heritage.

The other female orc....

Possibly the mother to Thrall,

Well, at first, I thought Garona the possible she-half-orc, might only be young which is why she look so human. Could it be that as Orcs age, they lose they're green skin colour (Young Thrall is green too!) and take on amore  human shade as they become their true troglodyte selves (Notice the large orc and the other female !) with age.

Just speculation of mine, and the thing about losing their green skin. I just got that now....

Not sure that bothered anybody the same way it bothered me.

Also, found this.....

Is this normal, when all the less human Orcs are start out as life size maquettes before they get animated. I just didn't think they bothered with that much realism anymore.


Quote from: Jim_Campbell on 06 November, 2015, 10:07:27 PM
That looks fucking awful.



Agreed..looks like Dungeons & Dragons sans Jeremy Irons
"We keep on being told that religion, whatever its imperfections, at least instills morality. On every side, there is conclusive evidence that the contrary is the case and that faith causes people to be more mean, more selfish, and perhaps above all, more stupid." ― Christopher Hitchens


A lot of things about that original Dungeons & Dragons film seemed really too experimental to be used. Like the weird forest elves that wore partial tattoes that were complementary in unison.

Can't find any pictures to show this but......

Tom Baker was one of the reasons that this film might have been a success, but poorly cast as a Elf and not by the same standards of the game or works of Tolkien.

Hope he never reads that in case he's think he is.

Not sure why it bombed, because it does bear a good deal of the hallmarks of the game, but as I said right at the beginning here.

This was just experimentalism based on what I read was a few sessions (That lead to a Chronicle...) of the original game.


Well, it could be worse, it's not like they ensured the trailer will be utterly buried due to being dropped just hours after the new one for the biggest blockbuster of all ti... Oh.

But yeah... Orc Moses. Orc-on-human love story.... It looks more than a little silly. The only way I can see this working is if the actual film has a very comedic, light tone (as I believe the games do...?) and it's just being made to look extra goofy by a very heavy, portentous trailer?


BTW, didn't Tom Baker get a role in the latest Star wars. I recall making a joke about how he could provide a voice over narration while the yellow writing scrolls off into the distance of space like he did in Little Britain.

Steve Green