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'Free' Megazine GN Suggestions

Started by radiator, 01 July, 2008, 12:51:47 PM

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I'll send you mine, Tim, just recently put in a storage box so I even know where it is.  Just PM me your address. 

Taryn Tailz

Thanks Tordelback, thats really great of you.  :D

I've sent a P.M.


I'd like to see some sort of Kev Walker collection. Always loved his work, even on stuff that isn't held in such high esteem like Balls Brothers and Mercy Heights.


A Colin MacNeil collection anyone?

Third Estate Ned

Forgive my ignorance, but has the Middenface McNulty Megazine stuff by Alan Grant ever been reprinted? I quite liked that back then.


Quote from: Third Estate Ned on 22 April, 2012, 03:30:26 PM
Forgive my ignorance, but has the Middenface McNulty Megazine stuff by Alan Grant ever been reprinted? I quite liked that back then.

Nope not been collected yet and it is a good call - I'd be happy to see those in the Supplements.
if I went 'round saying I was an Emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!

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The Adventurer

You mean the Young Middenface stories? That sounds like an interesting reprint possibility.


Third Estate Ned

I'm not sure if it was the young Middenface. The art was coloured and quite chaotic with bold, black lines. I have a distinct memory of a sharp-suited Mafioso type blowing smoke out his nose that I thought was quite striking at the time. There may have been a little white dog involved in the story too, but that could just be my broken memory.

Third Estate Ned

It may have been this, judging by the dog memory (from Wikipedia):

"Wan Man an' His Dug" (with co-writer Tony Luke and artist John McCrea, in Judge Dredd Megazine #1.15-1.20, 1991–1992).

The Adventurer

Judge Dredd reprint idea. Judge Dredd: Blood Trails (1440 - 1449). I recall liking it, and how it used much of Dredd's (then current) supporting cast. But I don't see it being reprinted in a proper trade any time soon. So a floppy would be a good place for it.



Yep, definitely up for that. Never read blood trails.

a chosen rider

I just hunted it down all the parts in prog form recently, and yep, I agree it would be a good reprint candidate.  Although I think ideally it ought to be bookended by the "Visiting Hour" and "Life & Death" one-shots from progs 1423 and 1452 for completeness, and twelve progs' worth is probably a bit long for a single reprint floppy - maybe it could be split across two Megs and padded out with a few other Gordon Rennie Dredd stories?

In fact, I'd be up for some Rennie Dredd reprints in general, since he wrote quite a few in the prog 1200-1400 era that haven't been collected, and it'll be ages before the case files get that far.  Looking at BARNEY, he wrote a number of 3 and 5 parter stories that would probably make a good basis for floppies.  I'd like to read Gulag, definitely, and the Planet Gary stuff could be collected together.
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Working to around 64 pages (although I suspect there is some wiggle room as there seem to be 68 internal pages) and just clicking around starting from John Smith and working out (inspired by this thread):


Easy enough to theme around other John Smith stories.

Slaughterbowl (progs 842-849) 48 pages, with Paul Peart

Danzig's Inferno (progs 718-719) 12 pages, with Sean Phillips

Inside Moves (prog 631) 5 pages, with Chris Weston

Alternatives include:

Order of the Beast (prog 632) 5 pages, with Dave D'Antiquis - although it might be worth a Dave D'Antiquis collection

Vector 13: Case Three: Graven Images (prog 1064) 5 pages, with Cliff Robinson - although I'd like a Vector 13 collection or two collecting the better ones

Dave D'Antiquis collection or just call it Silo and market it around Mark Millar's name (a pity as I am a fan of D'Antiquis' work but Millar sells).

Leading on from the previous suggestion:

Silo (progs 706-711) 36 pages, with Mark Millar

Tharg's Future Shocks: The Foreign Model (prog 643) 4 pages, with Mark Millar

Order of the Beast (prog 632) 5 pages, with John Smith

Tharg's Terror Tales: Even Death May Die (prog 841) 6 pages, with Chris McHale - the Lovecraft was a little on the nose but I really liked the way he went full colour with a more painted style

He also did a number of other Future Shocks that'd make up the numbers, I'd need to go through them to find the decent ones.

Strange Days

The bonus: it is Warren Ellis' only appearance in the prog which might get some interest

I make that 32 pages from the Meg and three more stories from the Specials (not sure about the page count), which might be coming up slightly short.

However, there are two Mega-City One stories by Dave Stone and John Smith (both drawn by Sean Phillips, who did a couple of the Strange Days ones - mentioned previously after the suggestion of a Sean Philips collection) which might fit (I'd need to dig them out and check but I'll eat my hat if at least the Smith one isn't weird and I have a massive head, so that'd be quite an undertaking):

Holocaust 12 anyone?

We've got 54 pages there:

To pad it out there is "Animal House" by John Smith and Chris Weston in 2000AD Sci-Fi Special 1992.

The Silo collection could then segue into a Maniac 5 collection, which I rather enjoyed at the time but I did reread it recently and it is pretty thin stuff (although a big no to Babe Race - there are limits):

Quote from: Professah Byah on 06 December, 2011, 11:13:42 PM
Being a cynical fucker, I suggest Mark Millar's short stories like Babe Race, Maniac 5 and his Robo Hunter run, seeing as he's developing himself as a brand and all with Clint it might be an idea to grab some of that book's readers while taking advantage of Rebellion's improved circulation stateside.

Plus I actually like Maniac 5 and think it holds up well with only the topical references dating it.  Not much of a compliment, I know, but I could see it appearing in Clint.

Also I'd second this:

Quote from: radiator on 19 September, 2011, 10:00:50 AMThumbs up for Sancho Panzer.

I suggest Vanguard.

I've re-read them both recently and they are still good solid stories.

Vanguard could then segue into a Colin MacNeil collection - some of his Dredd work that isn't on the big name stories, as he has worked on a lot of the biggest stories of recent years it'd be nice to give some focus to his other Dredds. The Corps and Maelstrom both got collected in EE #17 so there is probably less pressure to reprint them.
if I went 'round saying I was an Emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!

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If we're not going to have a vector 13 trade collection (which is, in itself, madness), could we not at least have a few months of them in the floppies?


Taryn Tailz

Im suprised we've yet to have a floppy which collects the final strips for series such as Caballistics Inc or The V.C's. Theres probably not enough left to give those strips another trade, so why not a floppy?